It started off with some old pipes my dad had in the backyard. The kids started randomly playing with them. Then they found the macadamia nuts that had fallen off the tree and onto the ground. Put the two together and this is what they found...!
They rolled the macadamia nuts through the pipe slow and fast - testing how hard they needed to roll it so that it didn't get stuck in the middle of the pipe... Look how busy they both are!
Then they leaned the pipes against the garden bed. They rolled the macadamia nut through the pipe... Then E excitedly exclaimed to N - "Look! I don't have to roll it I can just put it there and it rolls itself!" They were so excited they stayed on this for a very long time.
They tried to see if the macadamia nut could move magically through a bend. 10 points for persistence! Obviously it didn't work but I love how they are thinking!
And back to a flat pipe - this time it was a game of which macadamia nut rolled the furthest?
And what happens if they put the pipe vertically?
Who would have thought one little play idea could result in such a cool investigation? So many things were covered - distance, speed, gravity and motion!
The best bit about this experiment - the language. When asked what they were doing, N excitedly told us, "First, you need to get the pipe. Then you need to get a nut and roll it through! It's fun, mummy!" Whoa! A recount from a 2 and a half year old - they learn these in Kindergarten!! (So proud! :))